About the bean...

About the bean...

Joe always says "It's about the bean."

So he decided to share what he loved.

But at some point in the story, the bean became Joe, and Joe became the bean...

Joe was a regular guy, worked hard and paid his taxes. He loved his family and was good to his friends.

Always there to greet them and cheer them up, come rain or shine with a hot cup of...

You guessed it, coffee...

So over time, the name stuck, from a cup with Joe; to a cup of Joe...

We at Joe Bean Co. don't claim to be the first to retell this story, but we like to think it truly reflects our spirit and ideals.

Helping another along the way, sharing the ups and downs and sharing a good cup of coffee.

Just like Joe did...

Stay safe, and lift your head when you can and smell the coffee...

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